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A Little Slice of Heaven in Bridgewater, MA

On Sunday, February 4, the two southern regions of the Boston church and the Ocean State Church of Christ met together on the campus of Bridgewater State University. As 600-700 people joined together in song, prayer and Bible study – it truly was a small picture of what the afterlife will be.

The service included a powerful communion sharing time led by Larry and Kim Reed. Steve Shoff preached a hard-hitting sermon entitled, “Global Thrive.” Jimmy Allen then gave a presentation on the New England 2020 vision and plans. This part of the program climaxed as the entire Ocean State congregation got up on stage.

It was so encouraging to get together with others who have given financially in very sacrificial ways just so our church could be started and maintained. Super Sunday was certainly spectacular in many ways. Okay
– the Patriots didn’t win. But God did. And really – that is all that matters.