
Easter Sunday – A Cry for “Help”

Easter is always an exciting day, as the world stops to think about Jesus. On Sunday, April 16, our congregation entered into the spirit of resurrection in a lively fashion. The band joined us and did their usual great job of inspiring worship from the heart. Jiayin Sperry, Asia Stevens and Diana Wick performed a song while the communion was passed. Visiting guests Jesse and Jenna Brady led our hearts and minds in communion. And our next-to- last message in the series “Seven Words That Will Change Your Life” was presented. That word was . . . “HELP!”

Another cool part of the day was the Easter egg hunt put on after service by our teens and pre-teens (overseen by Sam Saarinen from our Brown University campus ministry). They chose an area and hid a huge number of eggs for all of our children 5 th grade and younger to hunt for. God gave us an 80 degree day, so all of us spilled out into the yard to watch, fellowship and enjoy the gorgeous day after the service.

God continues to build our church’s momentum, as Easter Sunday was not really a huge jump in attendance. Consistently more and more friends are coming to visit and then coming back again. Many turned in prayer requests on this special Sunday and some even checked off that they want to study the Bible individually.

Keep praying and living out “the resurrected life.” Jesus conquered death and the grave. He wants to HELP us all out. He has even promised to come back again to take us home to be with Him one day. What a promise and a blessing!