On December 16th, Salomon Klarou, a sophomore at Rhode Island College, was baptized into Christ in Stoughton, MA!
Back in February 2020, Salomon and a friend attended the winter club fair that takes place at Rhode Island College each semester. One of the tables they visited featured information about our weekly Bible Discussion at RIC! Salomon chatted briefly with Jenny, Steve, and Alexis, and left his information on the sign-up sheet indicating his desire to learn more about the weekly discussion. He began attending the Wednesday afternoon discussion, and quickly began studying the Bible. Salomon had been raised to love God and read the Bible, but had begun to lose focus during his high school years. This was the first time he’d really gotten deep into the scriptures, and his faith began to grow.
Then the pandemic hit in March! The weekly discussion went online, and Salomon began studying the Bible with Patrick, Myles, and Steve once a week over FaceTime. Over the course of the summer and fall, he built convictions, repented of his sin, and in mid-December made the decision to be baptized for the forgiveness of his sins! God is going to do incredible things through this fantastic young man!