
Prayer Night Gets Practical Through Stations and Family Feud

Once a month, our congregation gets together on a Friday night for midweek service. This allows for us to relax, learn, fellowship and enjoy the night with a Saturday morning to follow.

On Friday, January 13, our crew met at Mi Vida in Pawtucket for an evening devoted to prayer. After some rousing singing (one song led by Vincent Pitts, with his arm only being slightly twisted), an opening prayer and announcements – the devotional began with prayer, Family Feud style.

Three families at a time – kids included – and groups of singles were called to the front. At the word “go,” the competition focused on unscrambling words in a plastic bag which were verses on prayer. Once the verse was unscrambled, whichever team stood and read it first from the Bible, with the passage referenced, was the winner. Following each verse, we took a few minutes to discuss the meaning of the passage.

After the competitive portion of our evening ended, we quickly turned to prayer stations. Three corners of the room were home for one third of our attendees. Station one focused on confession and a paper shredder helped us learn about God’s willingness to forgive. Station two was a place to discuss places in the world each person had on his or her heart. With a globe and a heart for the world we partnered up and prayed for world peace, our countries of concern and the gospel’s spread. Station three was a place of thanksgiving. Strings like clothing lines with clothespins were hung in this location. Everyone put up answered prayers for those to follow to read. All prayed prayers of gratitude to God.

The evening closed out with all lights off, except a string of Christmas lights in the back and a flashlight in front. We prayed that we would all be the light of the world. As the event concluded, we all gathered at the front to take a picture of those present for this powerful night.

We can all make new year’s resolutions and that is fine. However, if we don’t bathe these goals in prayer, the spiritual battles will not ultimately be won. May God help us consistently and fervent communicate with Him.