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Heart-Felt Teaching and Open Discussions Highlight “Marriage Night”

Paul-n-Maureen-ButtsFriday the 13th is usually thought of as a scary evening. However, we turned it into one of the most special nights in the existence of our church this month. We had what we called a “Marriage Night.” With the help of our singles’ ministry and some teens who watched the kids (thank you!), 12 couples showed up at the Martins’ home for some exceptional teaching, discussion time and fellowship.

After the opening song, we began our time with an ice-breaker back-to-back game. In a tight competition – guests Donat and Gleddae Kabongo beat out Doug and Shayne Purdue for the Starbucks’ gift card victory.

Then Paul and Maureen Butts, who are from the Worcester church, shared their hearts powerfully. Their three points – Team, Priorities and Practicals – went along with their heartsy vulnerability to inspire us all. Some of their phrases will stay with us for a long time . . . . “Begin with the end in mind.” “As a team you are all different colors of the rainbow together.” “Don’t over react. This is just one snapshot in the album.” “The best is yet to come.” And much more!

Following their talk, each couple paired up with another to talk about what we learned and how we are doing as couples. The closing prayer hardly stopped the buzz in the room.

God compared His relationship to the church like that of a marriage. There is nothing more important to our Father than strong marriages which act as lights to the world and a haven for our children.