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Outdoor Service at Colt State Park

Features Face Paint, Flowers, Food and a Baptism

On Sunday, July 12, the Ocean State Church of Christ ventured off to Colt State Park in Bristol, RI, for our first time ever. Several members of the past Rhode Island church remember with fondness the many services held The worship service began at 10:30 AM with inspired singing at the chapel site. One out-of-town guest, Jeremiah Cody (uncle of Mikayla Cody), led the opening prayer.

The lesson of the day was taken from Ephesians 2 & 3. A diverse flower arrangement was used as a visual illustration of what God wants the church to be. In addition, Jimmy wore “Braveheart” face paint to make the point that God has no Plan B. Just as the ragged bunch of Scottish warriors were the only way to freedom, so we are our Father’s only plan for the world. We must rise up to the challenge.

However, the highlight of the day was certainly the immersion of Deisy Morales, a student from Rhode Island College. Anita Allen introduced and shared about Deisy, as did campus intern, Jaiyin Sperry. Deisy too spoke of her gratitude to God and those who have helped her to this point.

Following the baptism, another extended party broke out. Some went to the beach area crabbing. Others set up a hammock in the shade for an after lunch nap. The bulk of the crowd joined in for Frisbee, volleyball and my personal favorite – the water balloon toss.

Late into the afternoon the crowd began to thin out. A lost set of car keys caused a little more drama, but even in that – Jesus was our peace and worked it all out.

Thanks to all who gave rides, brought food, helped set up, sang, baptized and loved God and people. It was a spectacular memory we hope to repeat over and over again.