
Regional Family Chairmen Meet in Jakarta

For the week of February 9-16, most of the 33 chairmen and women from our fellowship’s churches met in Jakarta, Indonesia, to pray, plan and dream for the future.

Providence’s Jimmy Allen was privileged to attend.  The one-way flight to Jakarta was approximately 24 hours (with layover included) and spanned 12 time zones.  The churches in Indonesia are growing at an inspiring rate, even though 87% of the country’s population are Muslim.  Harlim and Vania Salim lead the SEA Region (Southeast Asia) and spoke at the event.

Task forces have been formed on Unity, Women’s Ministry, Global Missions, Church Health and Growth and more.  Reports, prayer times, discipleship groups and lessons filled the week together.

On February 16, the Jakarta church concluded the week with their 30th anniversary service, with many thousands in attendance.

Let’s be praying for all of our churches around the world.  Let’s also be inspired and learn from those who are effective so that God may help us to win as many souls as possible to Him for all of eternity.