
The Wedding of Benson Olorunfemi & Debbie Eseh

On Saturday, March 31, Benson and Debbie were married. After years of waiting and doing it God’s way, these two Nigerian natives were joined together in holy matrimony.

Benson recently arrived in Providence from Lagos. It has been a whirlwind of activity for him planning the ceremony, finding a place to stay, working out the finances, making new friends and much more. But through it all, God’s love, which began in a foreign country, is now fulfilled in marriage.

The ceremony was a mix of candle-lighting, special songs (“My God and I” performed by Daniel Gifford, Jiayin Sperry and Asia Stevens), prayers of blessing and a sermonette. Family and friends filled the church building and reception to follow with laughter, smiles and congratulatory thoughts.

A bridal shower and a groom honoring had been held previously to provide times for sharing of our love and gratitude for these two dear friends.

We praise God for His gift of love and feel privileged to have seen it lived out in those we love – the newly united Benson and Debbie Olorunfemi!