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Jesus and Fun Focused on at Colt State Park

One annual tradition of the Ocean State Church of Christ is to travel down to Colt State Park in Bristol for a Sunday service, picnic and play day. On August 7, a bright and beautiful day at the beach, the congregation initially gathered at 11 AM for a one hour service called “Jesus Shock.”

Following some spirited singing, the communion message centered on the story of Jesus and Pilate. We all learned that Jesus will always collide with public opinion, our personal lives and our professional aspirations. We also took note that you can’t ever wash your hands of Jesus.

One of the morning’s highlights was the sharing of Christen Sherman. She (and two of her children) recently returned from a trip to Guatemala. Through tear-filled eyes and a full heart she dramatically laid out the drastic living conditions of the less fortunate and the way that giving touched her
family’s lives as they walked through their time in the third world.

Once the service concluded, we all moved a short distance over for an immense lunch and some intense games. All kinds of foods were eaten and shared. The first competition of the afternoon was the fun-filled water balloon toss. The Allen girls – Anita and Sarah – won two of the three matches, while Desmond Towns and Admir Monteiro got the most wet.

After that, a lengthy volleyball game commenced. Men, women and children got sun-burns, some exercise and a whole lot of smiles running around in the sun. Other events were more spontaneous than planned. Several took a walk down to and even into the water on the beach. Others played badminton or threw the football around. Others preferred soccer or board games.

Finally, there was clean up and departure. A fun time was had by all. We learned again that “church” is not a service or a time. It is a life spent together as real brothers and sisters. On August 7, we spent the day together, and no one was complaining or rushing off for more important things. There is nothing better than being a part of the body of Christ in worship, fellowship, fun and life.