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Missions and Love Focused on During First August Weekend of the Year

As July ended and a new month began, the Ocean State church hosted a historic tag sale for missions and a moving church service highlighted by a special song regarding God’s love.

As our special missions’ contribution approaches, the congregation executed our plan to get our minds focused on raising money for European countries desperately needing churches, staff and more. The first annual tag sale, at the Martins’ home on Old River Road in Lincoln, was the perfect venue for this event. Beginning early and running into mid-afternoon, over $600 was collected through the sale of minions, Legos, dressers, etc. Thanks to all who volunteered their time – especially the Martin family and the sale supervisors – Andrew Zetina and Leo Mella.

The Sunday service the next day was the beginning of a new series on the Lord’s Prayer we are calling, “The A, B, C’s of Communicating with God.” Shayne Purdue sang a very inspiring song about our Father’s love as the communion trays were passed. Check it out below.