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Neighbor Day Kicks off the Autumn in Faithful Fashion

On Sunday, September 18, over 100 people attended the Sunday morning worship service of the Ocean State Church of Christ. This was the culmination of some weeks of sharing, door knocking and inviting friends and neighbors out to our bring your neighbor day.

Our band played in a powerful way to begin the service. David Boerma (guitar), Daniel Gifford (keyboard) and Jim Wick (drums) joined up front singers Jiayin Sperry, Diana Wick, Asia Stevens and Bill Brown for rousing versions of “Come Now It Is Time To Worship,” “How Great Is Our God,” “How Great Thou Art,” and more. Paulo Martins shared about being like a child prior to our communion.

The fellowship break was buzzing as many new attendees met church members and swapped stories. The sermon of the day was the first in our new Culture Shock series entitled “Absolute Truth versus Relative Truth.” Response cards were taken up following the lesson with many writing out prayer requests and still others checking the box stating they would like to study the Bible.

As we concluded, a big group of college students headed over to David Sam’s place for lunch. Another group of marrieds stopped over at the Brown’s home, right down the street in North Providence. Wherever we went, we were all inspired to continue the experience of bringing others to hear about and see Jesus. There is no greater calling in life than that.