
Caroling Warms the Hearts of All

It is always great to serve and give.

On Saturday morning, December 10, a large number of members and friends of the Ocean State church went caroling at a beautiful nursing home in East Providence. Our HOPE worldwide committee has been planning regular events and ways to serve in the community over the past few months. Whether it is cleaning up the bay or helping at a soup kitchen or handing out turkeys or singing with all of our hearts – it has truly been more blessed to give than to receive.

Under the able direction of Daniel Gifford, our crew hoisted Christmas carols for 30 minutes or so, as many of the residents sang along. Hakeen Jacobs helped out by providing broad hand gestures of kisses, hearts and whatever the song called for beyond the music itself.

Following the singing, we had the opportunity to walk through the room and meet the more mature members of our society. Their smiles and laughter warmed our hearts and the orange juice and water filled our stomachs.

The reason for the season is Jesus. And He loves and cares for all. May we constantly serve as He did and follow in His footsteps.