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The First Wedding – Vincent & Joanna Pitts

On Sunday, May 29, 2016, the Ocean State Church witnessed our first wedding ceremony. Vincent Pitts and Joanna Washington were united in holy matrimony. Though this has happened to millions through the ages – this one was different, special and historic to say the least.

Initially Vincent and Joanna were planning a Saturday wedding months down the road. However, Vincent is the same brother who got engaged while doing a communion speech on a Sunday morning . . . so you just never know. The newly married Pitts began to scheme how to include their entire church family, physical family and save some money . . . and here is how it came out.

On Sunday at 10:30 AM, well over 100 gathered for a 30-minute communion service at Rhode Island College. Then Daniel Gifford played his keyboard during the 15-minute fellowship break while the wedding party gathered in the back. Finally the ceremony began! First adoring parents strolled down the aisle. Then Vincent and his fellas came in, decked out in sunglasses. The beautiful bridesmaids entered, followed by the ring bearer and flower girl. As the audience stood, the gorgeous bride strolled in with her father.

The opening prayer was led by groomsman Mike Hunt, a great friend and spiritual brother from Toronto, Canada. The sermonette was taken from Colossians 3:18-21. The two points were 1.) Give in – Submit 2.) Give up – Sacrifice. After the kiss, the pronouncement and many pictures – the couple and all were whisked away to the CapeVerdian Association for Community Development (CACD) facility in Pawtucket for an amazing meal, some spirited dancing and a whole lot of fun. Best man and matron of honor, Maurice and Michelle Perry, shared the toast.

Heart-felt thanks should go out to many for their extreme sacrifice – Providence disciples Debbie Eseh, Admir Monteiro, Asia Stevens, Jiayin Sperry, Anita Allen, Jody Martins, and so many more! But the ultimate gratitude can only be given to God, who made all of this possible. Because of Him, Vincent and Joanna are married, we all have each other and there is the confident expectation of eternal life.

Click here to view a copy of Vincent & Joanna Pitts Wedding Program.